Remarkable Survival Rate of 2022/2023 Plantings

Progress Update on 001-OxC Project: Advancing Restoration and Reforestation Efforts

A Journey Towards Environmental Restoration
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Global Mangrove Trust

In the quest for ecological restoration, every planted tree represents a beacon of hope, a breath for the planet. At GMT, we are immensely proud to spotlight the recent strides taken in the 001-OxC Project, where a monumental step forward has been made toward restoring degraded mangrove areas.

In the green landscapes of Pangkalan Siata, Pulau Kampai, and Halaban Villages, the dedicated efforts of our partners at Yagasu, together with the local community, have culminated in the planting of 80,000 trees from February to April 2024, covering approximately 24 hectares. This significant endeavor expands the restored mangrove area in these regions, building on the foundation laid in 2022 of 48,000 trees. To date, the project has seen the total number of planted trees supported through the project rise to 128,000—a testament to the relentless commitment of the community and every hand that has touched this project.

Despite the inherent challenges of natural events, the floods of December 2023 and January 2024 tested the resilience of our newly planted saplings. In response, the project teams have initiated a replanting program to replace the lost trees, reinforcing our commitment to ensuring the long term establishment and survival of restored areas. The replanting efforts are scheduled to commence in Q2-2024, underscoring our long-term dedication to the project’s success.

The 001-OxC Project isn’t just about planting trees; it’s about creating ecosystems, supporting communities, and building a sustainable future. Each tree planted is a step towards stabilizing climate, preserving biodiversity, and enhancing the quality of life for local populations.

As we look ahead, we remain inspired by the passion and perseverance of every individual involved—from the local villagers who nurture each sapling to the global supporters who make such projects viable. GMT continues to be a facilitator in this grand green endeavor, propelled by the belief that together, we can restore the balance of our planet.

Thank you to everyone who contributes, supports, and believes in this mission. Let’s continue to grow our impact, one tree at a time.

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Global Mangrove Trust