Project Updates

Leakage Belt Study and Expert Interviews for the 001-OxC Watershed Extension Project in Langkat

In March and April 2024, GMT collaborated with YAGASU to map leakage belts and conduct expert interviews for the 001-OxC Watershed project in North Sumatra. This initiative aimed to gather direct insights from local experts and village authorities about deforestation activities—both planned and unplanned—that might occur within these leakage belt areas.

Leakage Belt Study and Expert Interviews for the 001-OxC Watershed Extension Project in Langkat Read More »

Progress Update on 001-OxC Project: Advancing Restoration and Reforestation Efforts

In the quest for ecological restoration, every planted tree represents a beacon of hope, a breath for the planet. At GMT, we are immensely proud to spotlight the recent strides taken in the 001-OxC Project, where a monumental step forward has been made toward restoring degraded mangrove areas.

Progress Update on 001-OxC Project: Advancing Restoration and Reforestation Efforts Read More »

Free School Boat to Enhance Education Access in Pulau Kampai Village

Education is a cornerstone of community development, and GMT, alongside our project partner Yagasu, is excited to enhance access to education for the students of Pulau Kampai Village through our Free School Boat initiative. This practical solution is set to bridge the distance between homes and schools, ensuring that 50 students can attend school regularly.

Free School Boat to Enhance Education Access in Pulau Kampai Village Read More »

Transforming Lives and Landscapes: The Rise of Women’s Empowerment Through Pulau Kampai’s Waste Bank

In the closing months of 2023, the team at Yagasu has taken significant strides in fostering a culture of environmental responsibility in Pulau Kampai through the establishment and support of the “Generasi Peduli” Waste Bank group. This initiative is not just about waste management; it’s a testament to the power of community engagement and sustainable practices in conservation efforts.

Transforming Lives and Landscapes: The Rise of Women’s Empowerment Through Pulau Kampai’s Waste Bank Read More »

A man on a wooden bridge over a river, symbolizing sustainable practices in shrimp and crab farming

Silvofishery in Pangkalan Siata: A Sustainable Approach to Shrimp and Crab Farming

Silvofishery in Pangkalan Siata: A Sustainable Approach to Shrimp and Crab Farming In Pangkalan Siata village, our efforts in 2023 marked a significant stride in sustainable aquaculture, focusing on silvofishery as a part of our comprehensive 001-OxC Designed Project Activities. This initiative aimed to integrate sustainable practices in shrimp and crab farming. Key Highlights of the Project Educating and Empowering Pond Owners: We provided extensive silvofishery training to pond owners, covering the basics and complexities of sustainable farming methods, including the definition, components, benefits, and management practices of silvofishery. Land Assessment: Working closely with the pond owners, we assessed the suitability of their ponds for silvofishery. The assessment showed a main pool of 5 hectares, three connected foster pools, concrete floodgates, favorable water quality, 60% mangrove cover with species like Rhizophora and Avicennia, and overall good pond condition. Monitoring and Challenges: Our monitoring in August 2023 revealed a drop in water pH to 6.5, changes in salinity and temperature, and limited shrimp growth of only 1.5 cm over 1.5 months. We identified low-quality broodstock and Enterocytozoon Hepatopanaei (EHP) disease as the main challenges. Proactive Harvesting Decision: Due to these challenges, we decided on an immediate shrimp harvest, timed for the third week of August to coincide with the big tide season. Facility Handover and Seed Quality Improvement: We handed over pond facilities to the silvofishery group and discussed sourcing higher-quality shrimp seeds from Langsa, Aceh, to address the issues with shrimp seed development. Ongoing Monitoring Commitment: Regular monitoring will continue until harvest to ensure the development of the shrimp and the adaptation of strategies as needed. Our engagement in Pangkalan Siata reflects a deep commitment to sustainable aquaculture. By educating local communities, providing essential resources, and adapting to environmental challenges, we’re not only fostering a successful harvest but also instilling long-term sustainable practices. This project goes beyond aquaculture, aiming to create a harmonious balance between economic success and environmental stewardship.

Silvofishery in Pangkalan Siata: A Sustainable Approach to Shrimp and Crab Farming Read More »