Remarkable Survival Rate of 2022/2023 Plantings

In the face of pressing global environmental challenges, we, at GMT with our partner Yagasu remain steadfast in our commitment to preserving and restoring our planet’s invaluable ecosystems. Our latest achievement exemplifies this dedication, as we proudly report an impressive survival rate of trees planted during the 2022/2023 restoration activities of the 001-OxC Project. In Pangkalan Siata and Pulau Kampai Villages, these newly planted trees, aged just three months, have demonstrated a survival rate surpassing 80%, illuminating a hopeful path towards a greener future.
Our restoration and monitoring team vigilantly oversaw the progress of the 56,125 trees planted as part of the 2022/2023 restoration endeavors. These trees, generously funded by the 001-OxC Project, thrived thanks to the planning and dedication of our teams. With over 80% of these young trees flourishing, we celebrate their resilience and vitality.
We understand that every tree plays a pivotal role in combating deforestation and climate change. Therefore, we remain committed to replacing the trees that did not survive, ensuring the overall success of our restoration project. Our pledge is to leave no tree behind as we continue our mission to safeguard our planet’s natural heritage.

Critical to our success is the careful selection of planting locations. To provide each tree with the optimal conditions for thriving, Yagasu‘s GIS team leads the way, employing a blend of cutting-edge technology and on-site assessments:
- Satellite Images: Our GIS team harnesses high-resolution satellite imagery to identify potential planting sites. This data-rich source provides valuable insights into terrain, vegetation cover, and proximity to water sources.
- GIS Classifications: Geographic Information System (GIS) classifications are used to categorize potential sites based on factors such as soil quality and land use. This method ensures trees are planted in areas where they are most likely to flourish.
- Onsite Checking with Drones: Taking technology to new heights, we deploy drones for on-site inspections. This approach offers a bird’s-eye view of each potential planting site, guaranteeing that chosen locations are optimal for tree growth.
The survival rate of the 2022/2023 plantings stands as a testament to our dedication and expertise. With over 80% of the trees thriving, these efforts serve as a shining example of what can be achieved through careful planning and resolute commitment to environmental conservation.For you who need, our _com is an ideal choice, is very cost-effective.
As we anticipate the 2023/2024 restoration activities, encompassing the planting of 80,000 trees, we remain at the forefront of efforts to restore ecosystems, combat deforestation, and mitigate climate change. Together, with technology, innovation, and unwavering dedication, we are poised to create a better future for generations to come, ensuring that the beauty of nature continues to flourish.