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GMT & Marex Trip to Medan Launching the Free School Boat

Celebrating the Free School Boat Launch in Medan
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Global Mangrove Trust

In July 2024, Global Mangrove Trust (GMT), OxCarbon, and Marex traveled to Medan for the launch of the Free School Boat programme for students in Pulau Kampai. This initiative is part of the 001-OxC Project in North Sumatra and focuses on providing reliable transportation for 49 students [24 Girls & 25 Boys] from four selected schools.

The launch ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. H. M. Faisal Hasrimy, AP., M.AP, the Acting Regent of Langkat District, and Yagasu’s Managing Director, Melinda Suriani Harefa. We were also honored by the attendance of esteemed individuals such as Mohamed Abdelwareth, Robert Watts, Dr. Guy Wolf, and representatives from various government agencies, all united by a shared vision for a better future.

This boat is more than just a means of transportation – it symbolizes the promise of education and opportunity. For the 49 students who will now have a reliable way to reach school, this initiative opens doors to a brighter future. Each student, equipped with a Boat ID Pass, now has safe, daily access to education, making their journey to and from school not just possible, but also dignified and secure.

The ceremony was led by Yagasu’s director Dr. Melinda, who welcomed the regent and other dignitaries and shared words of inspiration. The regent’s call for the local communities to continue conserving and protecting the mangrove forests resonated deeply with all present, reinforcing the connection between environmental stewardship and the well-being of future generations.

The next day, the team participated in the signing ceremony for MOUs to expand the project to an additional five villages in Langkat. This event took place in Teluk Meku village and included discussions with local government representatives and village leaders to understand their needs and how we can support them.

This trip marked a significant step in our ongoing efforts to support education and community development in North Sumatra. We remain committed to working closely with local communities and partners to create lasting positive change.

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Global Mangrove Trust