Forest Scan

Smart Insights for Blue Carbon Projects

FOREST SCAN offers a cost-effective solution to support the early stages of blue carbon project development. It utilizes open source satellite data, combined with  machine learning to provide key  insights and environmental data for selected areas, including  historical deforestation rates and land classification matrices. This tool supports communities and investors in  organizing and assessing blue carbon projects, supplying essential data for the pre-feasibility and feasibility stages of project development.

FOREST SCAN can lay the groundwork for meaningful conservation efforts, and  open the door to decentralized, large-scale regenerative forestry tracking.

FOREST SCAN offers several essential analysis-based value propositions:

  • Real-time forest classification and future change estimation.
  • Measurement of carbon storage changes linked to shifts in Forest Canopy Density (FCD).
  • Determination of regional deforestation rates and identification of deforestation hotspots.
  • Baseline LITE assessments of ideal sampling locations and low-fidelity estimates of above-ground carbon change.