001-OxC: GMT Restoration & Conservation Project in North Sumatra

Space-Based Intelligent Blue Carbon Assessment to Enable Scalable Financing Solutions for Coastal Mangrove Forests in Southeast Asia

Project Summary

The GMT Restoration & Conservation Project in North Sumatra (001-OxC) is the inaugural blue carbon conservation project launched under the OxCarbon Standard. Situated in North Sumatra, 001-OxC aims to conserve and regenerate coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests and marine coastal areas. 001-OxC is paving the way for the next-generation science-based approach to scalable blue carbon management in SouthEast Asia.

We partner with Marex Asia and our sister enterprise at Handprint Tech to purchase and retire OxCarbon certified blue carbon credits and provide proof of retirement while creating social and biodiversity co-benefits.

Mangroves are highly effective carbon sequestration technologies and provide significant co-benefits (avoiding coastal erosion, giving green shields for coastal communities, anchoring lattices for fisheries and supporting local livelihoods). In Asia especially, they are subject to much higher deforestation rates than other forests in the world, putting billions of tons of stored CO2 at risk of being unleashed.

Forest Land Protected
0 ha
Expected yearly quantum of avoided emissions and new carbon sequestration
0 tCO2
Total carbon stocks protected (tCO2-e)

Project Map

Pangkalan Siata



Pulau Kampai

Project Area
Pulau Kampai
Pangkalan Siata

Project Goals & Objectives

001-OxC is developing coastal mangrove forests on the East coast of Sumatra Island in Indonesia, of which there are two types: protected and productive forests.

The core purpose of the project is the effective conservation of one of the last remaining contiguous mangrove ecosystems in North Sumatra, a region of intensive degradation and deforestation of coastal forests over the last decade.

In addition to implementing, sustaining, and fortifying social programs, the project serves as the vanguard application of the KACSAT space-based monitoring engine and the OxCarbon Standard.

Copy of Mangoves 9

Environmental Benefits

Community benefits

Copy of Beneficiaries - local children


Mangrove forestry conservation provides local communities with long and stable jobs


Mangroves support reappearance of game for subsistence hunting and lower the salinity of coastal waters which increases local fish stocks.

4 Quality education

The project commits to providing training to communities by skilled forest instructors and biologists

5 Gender equality

Women form a majority of the workforce at Yagasu and are a driving force behind the nurseries

8 Decent work and economic growth

People working at the nurseries and forest rangers are well paid, supporting local economic development

10 Reduced inequalities

By supporting regeneration in rural areas, we reduce inequalities and create economic opportunities outside richer urbanised regions

11 Sustainable cities and communities

Well-maintained mangrove forests, cultivation of aquaculture, fishing, and honey, support sustainable communities.


Fair co-benefit agreements are in place with the communities to ensure they reap financial rewards

13 Climate Action

001-OxC seeks a transition from climate impacts via avoided deforestation to active removals over its project lifetime

14 Life below water

Mangrove roots filter pollution from the seas and present an ideal location for sea-life to reproduce and thrive

15 Life on land

The entire food chain is present in well-kept mangrove forests, from plant eaters to smaller / larger predators, and varied bird life

17 partnership for the goals

We obtained all permissions from governing bodies, including SRN registration, to conduct forest conservation activities



001-OxC Project Dossier V1.5

Marex White Paper

Activity Log 2021 – 2022

Statement of Findings for Feasibility Study

Statement of Findings – SDG Impacts – 001-OxC


Get In touch

For individual philanthropic donations for 001-OxC, visit our sister site at Handprint Tech.
For enterprise sales via Marex Asia, collaborations, or to learn more about our work on the ground, fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch!